Freitag, 1. September 2006

Auch keine Überraschung ;)

You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).

Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.



















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Nashaupt - 1. Sep, 19:04


All together or none. God is an individual, subjective and processing experience, dificult to describe or to explain to others. It is as impossible to convince somebody of the existence of God - or Gods - as it is impossible to eat, breath, sleep or go to toilet on behalf of sombody else.
Hence I refuse any kind of teaching or preaching about God.
I never would do so. I would report my experience, if asked. I would discuss my experiences with somebody ready to compare his own experiences with mine and discuss options, what to learn from correspondences and differences of our indiviual experiences. That is much different from proselytism and propaganda for a religion.

I do not see any necessity or help in creeds and common religious confession and/or profession in public - to the contrary!
Signs and acts of religious confession in public remind me rather of special forms of vanity, boasting and bragging than of lively confrontation with God. Te attitude of religious confession in society and in public is not essentially different from other forms of catching attention - e.g. by eye-catching 'sexy' outfit or glamourous possessions at one hand or obstrusively unelegant and 'selfdenying' appearance and selfcastigation at the other hand, suggesting the message that everybody obtrusively confessing his/her belief in the only true God is better than the rest of the world. This kind of message is a message of envy rather than a message of life.

Religions by themselves teach all in different ways about this principal condition of individual experience of or with god.

One must distinguish the religions as such from the religious cults, congregations, communities and rites. Cults, Congregations and rites are all kinds of enterprises to collect money and to create, maintain and grow centers to exercise control and supervison over herds of people who are satisfied with an instant ready to worship idol instead of risking personal experience of or with God. Believing in accordance with the creeds and certificates of a religious community is avoiding the efforts and stresses of own experience, quarrels, doubts and thinking. It's not bad, it's quality is just the one of any instant and ready mass production compared to the 'home made'.

It's so ridiculously easy to 'believe' just by repeating at any opportunity 'I believe in A-Z' and then pray, sing, carry signs and outfits and then consider oneself to be among the elect and redempted. And in addition to this, it's so comfortable to delegate the own reliability for whatever one causes, e.g. by accepting and appreciating the imposition of rules and terms on other people who had not asked for, to a complacantly imagined God, a God forgiving his 'believers' and sending the ones into hell who enjoy the sins and vices the believers unfriendly grudge them of.
That's why I refuse to believe. I am ready to experience and for encounters of any kind, dreadful or else.

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